The japanese diet: the secrets of beauty

It's the diet, which speeds up the metabolism. The result of the japanese diet persist for up to three years. Not about whether the dream of many women?

The japanese on a diet

Have you noticed that all the Japanese women easily and minor. Meet up with a woman with extra pounds on the waist almost impossible. Looking at the Japanese women, it seems that the women in the land of the rising sun, sitting on a strict diet. Japanese women really sitting on a diet, they do not hide, just not permanently, as it is a lot, but only once in three years. The result of the japanese diet persist for up to three years. Not about whether the dream of many women?

For 13 days, exactly as many days allowed to sit on this diet, the body transforms. Some in 13 days can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight. For many, this will seem unlikely, but the japanese diet really brings results, if you strictly adhere to its rules. The japanese diet is often called the "salt-free diet", because all 13 days can not eat salt, sugar, alcohol and flour (pastry) products.

The japanese diet was invented and developed by japanese nutritionists. For a long time, doctors have perfected this method of weight loss. After years of observation, came to the following conclusions: after 13 days in the body takes place with the complete remodeling of metabolism, and the effect of the diet persists up to 3 years without further effort and diet. The main thing – to tune in to the healing process, because the diet is very strict. The slightest deviation negates all the efforts. You cannot change the order in the consumption of food, and to replace products of one on the other – from what you eat during the diet, care about rebuilding your metabolism. The diet of this diet is varied, so starving you won't have to. "The japanese diet" combines useful for health products and effective weight loss for a short period of time. In this diet is both the benefits and the disadvantages. Even though the advantages of even more!

Instead of black tea – green. Green tea – the most powerful antioxidant, is in it a lot of vitamins E (he is considered a woman's vitamin) and. You need 13 days to forget about the salt and sugar. Instead of salt you can use different spices and herbs, and instead of sugar – fruits, which are full of fructose. Rice – basic japanese food, so the japanese diet can not do without this cereal. The rice you can eat every day between lunch and dinner, in the intervals, but it is better to brown and unpolished, it has more fiber and vitamins.

the products of the japanese diet

The first day

In Japan it is not customary to eat breakfast, so diet doesn't mean a hearty breakfast. You can drink a cup of black natural coffee, without sugar (the sugar under the ban) with a slice of rye or black bread with bran. At lunch you can eat two boiled eggs with lettuce, cabbage and cucumber. After dinner you can drink a glass of vegetable juice, for example, tomato, carrot. For dinner prepare all your favorite you fish (250 g), it can be boil or to fry on a small amount of oil. Before going to bed drink a cup of yogurt.

The next day

For breakfast, as of 13 days, black coffee and gingerbread cookies. For lunch, prepare the fish and all seafood. The fish make a salad of any fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, pepper, various greens. Dinner boiled beef with vegetable salad. Before bed – yogurt or yogurt.

The third day

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee pudding and one cookie. Lunch – 1 big zucchini, fried in vegetable oil on the slices or rings. Fried zucchini can sprinkle with herbs. For dinner to cook 2 eggs. Make the eggs fresh cabbage salad with olive oil. Before bedtime you can eat boiled rice and washed down with him yogurt.

The fourth day

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee custard or green tea. Lunch – 1 raw egg, 3 large steamed carrots with vegetable oil, 20 grams of unsalted cheese, hard varieties (you can make a salad, cutting the diced carrots and cheese and watering vegetable oil). At dinner – any fruit except bananas and grapes, and that in moderate quantity.

The fifth day

At breakfast – black coffee and raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch – fried or boiled fish or seafood with a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice and vegetables, salad; dinner – any fruit except bananas and grapes in moderate amounts, and yogurt. For dinner you can make a fruit salad and tuck it in natural yogurt.

The sixth day

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee, 20 g of hard cheese. Lunch – half a small cooked lean chicken meat without skin, carrot or cabbage salad. Dinner – 200 grams of raw carrots with the addition of vegetable oils, steam scrambled eggs from two eggs. Before bedtime glass of yogurt.

The seventh day

For breakfast – green tea or tea of herbs without sugar and biscuits; lunch – 200 g boiled beef meat and a small amount of fruit. At dinner – each option proposed above, than dinner on the third day. Before going to bed yogurt.

The eighth day

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee. For lunch half a small boiled lean chicken without skin, carrot or cabbage salad. Dinner – 200 grams of raw carrots with vegetable oil plus 2 eggs, hard boiled.

The ninth day of the

For breakfast – raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. At lunch, 300 g of any fish, cooked or fried. Cooked rice, preferably brown. A glass of fresh tomato juice. At dinner – any fruit except bananas and grapes in moderate amounts.

The tenth day of the

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee custard, and rye crackers. At lunch one egg, 3 stews large carrots with olive oil, 20 g of hard unsalted cheese. 10 a day without dinner, but before bedtime you can drink natural yogurt.

On the eleventh day

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee pudding and one cookie. At lunch one large zucchini, fried in vegetable oil on the slices or slices and vegetable salad. Dinner – 2 boiled eggs, 200 g boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil.

The twelfth day of the

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee pudding and one cookie. Lunch – fish, boiled or baked, vegetable salad, boiled rice. Dinner – 100 g of boiled beef and salad. Before bed 1 cup of yogurt.

The thirteenth day

Breakfast – a cup of black coffee pudding and hard cheese. Dinner – 2 eggs, hard boiled, salad of welded cabbage with olive oil, a glass of fresh tomato juice. At the dinner-250-300 grams of boiled or fried fish with salad. Before bed yogurt or kefir.

Secure the result of the japanese diet it is necessary to smoothly and properly "walk." 13 days without the sweet, for someone it is a cruel test, and yet jump on the sweet and salty. Will be a shame to spoil the result, you lasted a whole 13 days strict diet in order to enjoy yourself and others, to be beautiful and attractive.